Monday 20 May 2013

Veet Easy Wax Review

I was extremely happy to be able to review Veet Easy Wax with Bzz Agent UK.  I am always looking at new ways to be "Hair Free" and to be honest I get so fed up of Shaving and getting the constant ingrown hairs and rashes.

So when my pack turned up it contained: Veet Waxing Kit, Additional refill for smaller areas, i.e. bikini line, under arms etc, Wipes, wax strips and instructions.  

When I first saw it my initial reaction was it looked complicated, and I like things to be easy.. hate the thought of having to read instructions... but after about 5 minutes, it was really easy.

So rather than me having to wait until I "needed" to be waxed I thought who better to give this a try.. then my husband!  So after a little, well a lot of persuasion and a vodka and coke on the side for some dutch courage (ridiculous I know) he agreed.

It states that the Wax needs to be plugged in and heated for around 20 - 40 minutes, I actually left this for the full 40 minutes.

It is very easy to forget about this though.. so would be good if it had some sort of alarm of some description just to let you know 20 minutes or so is up.

So after having one very hairy leg ready (my husbands can I just remind you and not mine!) Time to start!

 The Wax glides on very easy, and you don't get the uncomfortable hair pulling when you are putting it on manually.  There is a roller on the wax kit which makes it very easy to apply.  

Wax Strip goes on... press down and quick pull (better pulling quick as you get a better result)

Excellent results, very smooth leg and no need to have to have to do a second application on that area. all the hairs came out very easy and with no redness at all.  The only criticism that I would say is that the wax cools down fairly quick.  Reheat after 15 minutes, but I would say that this is more like 5 minutes. 

Used the wipes to take off any excess wax, which worked great.

On a pain scale my hubby said it was about a 3, not painful at all!

I wanted to also use the wax in a more sensitive area to see if it caused much redness and see if it was as pain free.  So, the top of my hubbys neck is getting quite hairy.. and to be honest he wasn't happy when he seen how many hairs he was getting on the back of his neck.  He is concerned about turning into his dad!!

So again one hairy back ready to be waxed!

He was a little more skeptical about getting the back of his neck waxed.  Same process as before, wax goes on very easy, wax strip goes over the heated wax and quick pull...

The results this time weren't as good as on the leg.  The hairs didn't come out as good and as you can see did leave a fairly red back.  But I have to say that this did subside after a couple of hours, and 24 hours later there is no sign of a rash on either his back or leg.

On a pain scale, my hubby wasn't as impressed.  He did use a few choice words, so glad the kids weren't around!  This was more like an 8 out of 10 on a pain scale, so in his words "It Hurt"!

And I think that you can tell from his reaction he wasn't exactly happy about it!

All in all this was very easy to use, I think it didn't work as well the second time as I had let the wax cool too much.  So maybe in between waxing put the wax back into the holder so it is staying warm, but obviously don't let it get too hot.

I would definitely give this a Good 8 out of 10 and would certainly use this again

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