Monday 20 May 2013

Veet Easy Wax Review

I was extremely happy to be able to review Veet Easy Wax with Bzz Agent UK.  I am always looking at new ways to be "Hair Free" and to be honest I get so fed up of Shaving and getting the constant ingrown hairs and rashes.

So when my pack turned up it contained: Veet Waxing Kit, Additional refill for smaller areas, i.e. bikini line, under arms etc, Wipes, wax strips and instructions.  

When I first saw it my initial reaction was it looked complicated, and I like things to be easy.. hate the thought of having to read instructions... but after about 5 minutes, it was really easy.

So rather than me having to wait until I "needed" to be waxed I thought who better to give this a try.. then my husband!  So after a little, well a lot of persuasion and a vodka and coke on the side for some dutch courage (ridiculous I know) he agreed.

It states that the Wax needs to be plugged in and heated for around 20 - 40 minutes, I actually left this for the full 40 minutes.

It is very easy to forget about this though.. so would be good if it had some sort of alarm of some description just to let you know 20 minutes or so is up.

So after having one very hairy leg ready (my husbands can I just remind you and not mine!) Time to start!

 The Wax glides on very easy, and you don't get the uncomfortable hair pulling when you are putting it on manually.  There is a roller on the wax kit which makes it very easy to apply.  

Wax Strip goes on... press down and quick pull (better pulling quick as you get a better result)

Excellent results, very smooth leg and no need to have to have to do a second application on that area. all the hairs came out very easy and with no redness at all.  The only criticism that I would say is that the wax cools down fairly quick.  Reheat after 15 minutes, but I would say that this is more like 5 minutes. 

Used the wipes to take off any excess wax, which worked great.

On a pain scale my hubby said it was about a 3, not painful at all!

I wanted to also use the wax in a more sensitive area to see if it caused much redness and see if it was as pain free.  So, the top of my hubbys neck is getting quite hairy.. and to be honest he wasn't happy when he seen how many hairs he was getting on the back of his neck.  He is concerned about turning into his dad!!

So again one hairy back ready to be waxed!

He was a little more skeptical about getting the back of his neck waxed.  Same process as before, wax goes on very easy, wax strip goes over the heated wax and quick pull...

The results this time weren't as good as on the leg.  The hairs didn't come out as good and as you can see did leave a fairly red back.  But I have to say that this did subside after a couple of hours, and 24 hours later there is no sign of a rash on either his back or leg.

On a pain scale, my hubby wasn't as impressed.  He did use a few choice words, so glad the kids weren't around!  This was more like an 8 out of 10 on a pain scale, so in his words "It Hurt"!

And I think that you can tell from his reaction he wasn't exactly happy about it!

All in all this was very easy to use, I think it didn't work as well the second time as I had let the wax cool too much.  So maybe in between waxing put the wax back into the holder so it is staying warm, but obviously don't let it get too hot.

I would definitely give this a Good 8 out of 10 and would certainly use this again

Thursday 16 May 2013

New Oriflame Products For Catalogue 6

Well, Oriflame's Catalogue 6 started last weekend, and I can't believe how many New products it has in, as well as loads of free gifts!!

The New Oasis Range are fantastic.  When I go on holiday I always take a perfume that reminds me of holidays; a one that has a nice fruity or exotic scent to it and Oasis certainly has this.  They have brought out perfume, shower gel, moisturiser and face mist, which is everything you need to pack into your holiday essentials......Click HERE to see the video lauch

Oriflame have released an amazing New Mascara called 2FX Over Black Mascara.  It not only lengthens your lashes, but it also adds volume.  Excellent substitute for those of you who don't like to wear false lashes.  It doesn't clump and separates your eye lashes rather than sticking them together, which I have found with some mascara's I have used in the past.

Great launch price too, usually retailing at £9.95 but they have it on SALE for £6.95, you can buy it HERE.

What really caught my eye in this catalogue, was the new eyeshadows.  I prefer to have small eyeshadows that I can pop into my bag on a night out, rather than the palettes, they are too bulky for me.  The Mono Eye shadow comes in 12 fantastic colours

There is a choice here for all tastes... my preference are the neutral brown as I have never been able to carry off the brighter colours 

They range from Matte to pearly effect, and at a great Launch price of £2.95 

You can buy them HERE

Always been a HUGE fan of the Optimals range.... and now even more excited that they have brought out the Cleanse & Tone range.

These are must have basics for perfectly cleansed skin!

It is so important to get the right cleanser for your skin type, this will avoid unnecessary breakouts or redness.

The Normal/Combination Skin cleanser comes in a great foaming cleanser, while the Oily skin cleanser comes in a gel form.

These on offer for a limited time - £5.20 each - You can save even more money by buying the cleanser and toner together for £9.90

Buy them HERE 

The one that I am using at the minute is the Dry/Sensitive skin... I am so prone to breakouts, but don't have particularly oily skin, so this works excellent for me.  The Cleanser comes as a soothing milk form, while the toner is not harsh on your skin and doesn't dry it out.

These are also on offer - £5.20 each or you can buy them both together at a discount price - £9.90

You can buy them HERE

Finally as I am not going away this year :(... there is only one thing for it... faking it!!  As I live in the wonderful sunny UK, where we only see our summer for about 1 week of the year.. and I am usually busy that week!!

I always worry that when I put on false tan I am going to wake up looking like I have been tangoed!!!  So I love using Oriflame gradual tanning lotion.  Not only does it moisturise my skin, but it also gradually builds a natural looking tan, and leaves a lovely shimmer on your skin.

But just remember to wash your hands, after you have used it.. nothing worse than having tanned palms!!

This is also new to Oriflame, and so pleased they brought this out, well worth the money - £6.95 for 200ml.

You can buy it HERE

So whether you are going on holiday or staying at home.. plenty of new products here to put a smile on your face.....  check out all our Oriflame Products HERE

Friday 10 May 2013

Oriflame Products, Offers & Reviews

My Oriflame UK Journey

I have to say since coming across to Oriflame UK last November I have never looked back.  

When I first started I thought; "this is too much like hard work, I am never going to get anywhere with this"..... always looked at the success stories and thought," bet it took them years to get to that position, just thought it was impossible."

So November I plodded on, bought products for me, and completely over indulged.  December I bought Christmas presents for everybody else from the catalogue.  So by the time it got to January, it was time to stop spending on me and get my finger out.

I started selling on Ebay and opened a Facebook Page.  It started off slow, but now I have a very successful customer base and 1731 followers on Facebook... not bad in the short space of time that I achieved this.

Not satisfied with this, I decided I wanted to recruit a Team.  So up to now I have a fantastic team of around 70 consultants who work very hard, and are making some great money.

I was promoted to Group Manager last month, I have always been very ambitious, and made many mistakes along the way, but without making mistakes you don't learn, so onwards and upwards and hoping to achieve a lot more within the next 6 months.

So if you think you have what it takes to be an Oriflame Consultant, you can either email me for further information or sign up here.

Special Offers

As the new catalogue 6 will be starting on Saturday, I really have to share these amazing offers with you.  

Many cosmetic companies seem to have a limited amount of mens products, but I have to say Oriflame UK has a fantastic selection... a few of my favourites are:

Glacier Eau de Toilette

If you are a fan of Cool Water, then you will love this.  It's a lovely fruity smell that lasts for ages.  A really big seller amongst our customers.  RRP £14.95, our SALE Price - £9.95

 And for this catalogue only, they are offering a free matching Glacier Aftershave Balm worth £5.95 with every purchase of the Glacier Eau De Toilette... Buy it Here

Another Best Seller is:

Architect Eau De Toilette... this has a very aromatic smell to it and a great favourite with our customers.  Currently on sale RRP £22.95, our SALE Price - £16.95... Buy it here

Finally if you are a regular Oriflame UK customer, you will know how much of a fantastic range of makeup that they sell; cheap prices, great value.

They have a vast selection of foundations for all ages and skin types.  

Everlasting Foundation gives up to 10 hours of wear with flawless looking skin.  This has a medium to high coverage, so great for hiding any skin imperfections.  It blends really easily, leaving your skin with a silky smooth finish.  Comes in 6 shades to help get that perfect match.  RRP £11.45, our SALE Price - £7.95

See what our customers say:

Everlasting foundation

My skin is dry and I find difficult to find a foundation. Even after using the moisturiser most of foundations leave my T-area dry . Not Everlasting foundation. It stays on for long time and looks great on skin. I use it with GG Make-up base and can't say how much I love them :)


5 STAR FOUNDATION!!!!!! the best foundation on the market and lasting power is amazing i recommend this product!!!!!!!!

So why not find out for yourself.  Buy all of your Oriflame products here at discounted prices from a trusted seller - Ebay Shop

Monday 6 May 2013

First Blog - Hopefully One Of Many

First Blog - Hopefully One Of Many

Well after some thought, I have decided to go into the world of Blogging.  So many people I know do this, and I have to say as a naturally nosy person, I love to read about other people's lives!

Well my Bank Holiday Monday should have been I suppose sat in a Beer Garden with the sun beating down on me enjoying a glass of wine.. or two.  In an ideal world, but no my Bank Holiday Monday was filled with other things.

You could say I am slightly addicted to entering competitions; and have to say have won some amazing things; Ipad x 2, Samsung Galaxy Tablet, Money, Clothes, Sweets etc etc.  So my usual morning routine had to be comping!

It is my daily ritual, Competition ClubThe Prizefinder.comSimply Prizes and finally randomly looking for Facebook competitions.  Your probably thinking, how sad, but honestly once you start it gets addicting!

So as my beer garden didn't go to plan, thought I would start in my own garden.... painting and cutting grass... :(

So I roped my youngest into helping me... he was quite enthusiastic in the beginning... he then sloped off to "the toilet" and never came back

Found him....Xbox seemed more appealing!!

I have to say I am always very skeptical on buying very cheap products that I know nothing about.  But  purchased this Timber Treatment from B & M Bargains Shop for £2.99 and have to say it is one of the best fence stains I have used.   Goes on really easy was touch dry in minutes; we put 2 coats on and there was still plenty left, absolute bargain!

I thought it would be a nightmare to put on, but not at all.  I am terrible for overloading my brush, and this didn't seem to make any difference, as there were no paint drips running down the fence or anything.  

My neighbour was so happy she even bought us a bottle of wine ;)

So as my fence was looking so lovely, it was only right that I moved onto the garden.  So after mowing, weeding and trimming hedges... even though I could have polished off a bottle of wine, I settled for a cuppa!

Bottle of wine chilling nicely in the fridge.... later maybe ;)