Tuesday 9 July 2013

Dukan Diet... yet another diet to try!

Diets... I honestly can't tell you how many I have tried... too many.

Weight Watchers - I remember this from when I was a kid - it has changed so much with the points counting system.  I have been on and off this diet so many times, but for me my weight loss moves too slow.  And I know the slower you loose it, the longer it stays off!  

Also I think with weight watchers you can make this really unhealthy   I mean give me 5 Mars Bars to live off each day, that is my points gone, my sweet addiction taken care of, but not doing much for my health.

Slimming World - I done this so long ago.. with your red and green days.  Red days where meat/protein days and Green days where Pasta/Carb days.  I loved that I could eat as much as I liked on this diet.. but think I maybe took this to the extreme, as I never lost with it.

Slim Fast - Just can't stomach these shakes... replacing 2 meals a day with a shake or bar and a healthy meal at night.  I just don't like the products at all.

Cambridge Diet - This has to be the most unhealthy diet.. but was the most effective for me.  I lost just under 6 stone by replacing my meals with a shake or bar, sticking to protein and drinking 2 - 3 litres of water per day.  It completely and utterly mucks up your bowel movements (for want of a better expression), makes you feel fairly lousy in the first few weeks, but, surprisingly had loads of energy in the latter stages.  I have probably put back on around 1 1/2 stones... but my own doing, pure over indulgence. 

So this gets me to my "New Diet" well to be honest, I didn't want a diet, I wanted a lifestyle change.. so I done a lot of reading and came across the Dukan Diet.  You have 3 stages of this diet:

Attacked Phase - This last usually around 5 days and is the hardest part of the diet and very strict.  You are 5 days of pure protein and it is fairly hard to make meals especially breakfasts on this phase.  You can eat as much as you want.

Cruise Stage - This is basically what you stay on until you get to your ideal weight.  You have one protein day and one protein and veg day... it's a total lifestyle change which I need.  You can eat as much as you want.

Consolidation phase - So important you complete this stage or your weight will just go straight back on.  

There is more to this diet and certainly needs some reading to get to grips with it.  You can just buy the book and read it and follow it yourself.  Or you can go to the Offical Dukan Diet website and join which is fairly expensive - £65 x 3 months.  But, I need somebody telling me what to do - no self discipline!

You can join and read more about the Dukan Diet Here -  Dukan Diet  

Or you can buy the books here - Dukan Books 

I have just started the diet and will let you all know how my first week goes!!

Has anybody else tried the Dukan Diet?

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